Cycling Your Diet with Carbohydrate Cycling

 DIET is important; it has to be. Especially when we want to achieve a body fat percentage level of 10%. To get to an extreme level of leanness it definitely takes a strict regime in terms of meal dictation. A disciplined adhesiveness to a plan, and the wherewithal to listen to your own body, thus enabling yourself to adjust it when needed.  

Carbohydrate cycling might seem archaic in these times, but it is completely viable, and a very success-driven option for cutting body fat without having a meltdown in the process.  

Carbohydrate cycling works by cutting calories down for a limited time. Thus, pushing your body to burn fat, even while it’s at rest. Then, once your body starts to slow down your metabolism process to adjust itself accordingly, you trick it by upping the carb intake again, which gives it a much-needed surge to begin burning calories at a super-fast rate. This is done in cycles. 

How to Maximize Carb Cycling 

Choose which days will be high and low carbohydrate days. In fact, your lesser training days may be great for high carbs, other training days could be for low to medium carbs, and days off could be reserved for very low carb intake, on those portion days. 

For the low-carb days, go with .5 to .75 grams of carbohydrates per pound of your body weight. Medium days should be set at 1 to 1.25 grams per pound. High days should entail 2 grams per pound of your body weight. 

1 gram of protein per pound of body weight is vital, every day. It may be increased to 1.5 grams as your diet progresses, too. Energy is paramount here. 

20-30% of healthy fats also need to make up your total daily calories. Stay away from saturated fats, completely. Those found in meat and dairy, for example. Good fats include avocado, olive oil, walnuts, salmon, ground flaxseed, tuna, tofu, and sunflower seeds. All of these are great examples.

The Sheer Importance of Training

We need to focus on diet and training as a symbiotic focus. This is because they will both work together (hand-in-hand) to get you to where you need to be. So, yes, training is needed to look lean and achieve 10% body fat. But… so is diet. Let’s focus on training, right now. 

Is your training the best it can possibly be? 

Are you taking advantage of every minute to its fullest? 

How are your rest periods going? 

Are your rest periods monitored well to burn extra calories and boost your metabolism, long after training is completed? 

Training acts as a booster for the body, and it actually triggers the metabolic fire within the core. Without effective resistance training, the pounds you will lose will be mostly made up of muscle, unfortunately. And our aim is to target fat. Additionally, weight training aids the body in keeping muscle on, thus negating the prevalence of atrophy to the body, which happens to so many so-called “fit” people.

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